A Fresh Start
It's rare that I'm sick, but I've been in bed for several days trying to shake the flu. With my head congested and pounding, I've been reading A Man Called Ove and watching videos from Firefly to Rig Rundowns on Brian May and The Edge and even this hilarious but educational 2.5 hour long video called The Art of Mixing.
I also watched Arnold Schwarzenegger's motivational speech on rejecting having a "plan B," and I've been meditating on his message. He says we humans perform best when we don't have a safety net, and he recommends not having a plan B. He also says we shouldn't be afraid of failure.
I think about how I promised my dad that I would get my MBA because he wanted me to have a backup plan. I didn't have the interest, but I also didn't want to be shunned. I sometimes wonder where I'd be today if I didn't give myself any safety nets. If I didn't teach myself graphic design or get my MBA would I be living on the street, dead, or in jail, or would I be playing stadiums with a rock band?
Hold up. I can't get caught up in comparing my life to some imaginary path that I didn't take. Today I have the flu, but otherwise I'm generally healthy. I have a house thanks to my day job. I'm engaged to be married this year to a wonderful woman. My dad and I are on good terms. I have much to be grateful for! Though I haven't made it big in music yet, it's still possible.
I think about creating music every day. I obsess on all aspects of music production including recording and engineering. I create and release my creations to the Internet from a bedroom studio dedicated to music production.
There's an expansive future ahead full of possibilities, and in at least one of those I am enjoying life as a music star. That's where I'm headed so I've decided it would be fun to make a chronicle of my journey. Let us see where this rabbit hole goes...
- Photo by Aperture Vintage on Unsplash -
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